Catholic Family News "Where Is the New Theology Leading Us?" by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-lagrange
In a recent volume, Conversion et gràce chez S. Thomas d'Aquin1 ("Conversion and Grace in St. Thomas Aquinas"), Father Henri Boulliard writes, "Since spirit evolves, an unchanging truth tin can but maintain itself by virtue of a simultaneous and co-relative development of all ideas, each proportionate to the other. A theology which is not current [does not keep irresolute — SMR] will be a simulated theology."2 And in the pages preceding and post-obit [the above quotation], the writer demonstrates that the theology of St. Thomas, in several of its most important sections, is not current. For example, St. Thomas' idea of sanctifying grace was every bit a class (a bones principle of supernatural operations which the infused virtues and the seven gifts have as their principle). "The ideas employed by St. Thomas are merely Aristotelian notions applied to theology."3 And further: "By renouncing the Aristotelian system, mod thought abased the ideas, pattern and dialectical opposites which only made sense equally functions of that system."four Thus modern thought abandoned the notion of form. How then can the reader evade the conclusion, namely that, since information technology is no longer current, the theology of St. Thomas is a false theology? Just then why have the Popes so often instructed us to follow the doctrine of St. Thomas? Why does the Church say in her Code of Catechism Law, Can. 1366, n.2: "The professors should by all means treat of the rational philosophy and theology, and the training of the students in these subjects co-ordinate to the method, doctrine and principles of the Angelic Doctor (Aquinas), and should hold these equally "sacred"?five Further, how can "an unchanging truth" maintain itself if the two notions united past the verb to be, are substantially variable or changeable? An unchangeable relationship can only exist conceived of every bit such if there is something unchangeable in the two terms that information technology unites. Otherwise, for all intents and purposes, it's similar saying that the waves of the sea can be stapled together. Of course, the two ideas that are united in an unchangeable affirmation are sometimes at showtime confused and so distinguished one from the other, such as the ideas of nature, of person, substance, accident, transubstantiation, the Real Presence, sin, original sin, grace, etc. But if these are not fundamentally unchangeable, how then volition the affirmation which unites them past the verb "to be" be unchangeable? How tin ane hold that the Real Presence of the substance of the Body of Christ in the Eucharist requires transubstantiation if the ideas are fundamentally variable? How can ane assert that original sin occurred in us through a willed mistake of the showtime man, if the notion of original sin is essentially unstable? How can ane concord that the particular judgment afterward decease is eternally irrevocable, if these ideas are said to change? Finally, how can 1 maintain that all of these propositions are invariably true if the idea of truth itself must change, and if one must substitute for the traditional definition of truth (the conformity of judgment to intuitive reality and to its immutable laws) what has been proposed in recent years past the philosophy of action: the conformity of judgment to the exigencies of activeness, or to human life, which is always evolving? More of this excellent refutation by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
As I read this article I was struck by the idea, false thought, that truth changes(!) Truth being God. This supposition suggests that God changes, and that things which were sins say in the heart ages are no longer sinful. So these who then died in a country of mortal sin then were lost to hell, merely now that the "New Theology" allows that these things are now accepted and 1 can be saved. This mistaken conventionalities that ballgame, homosexuality and other "previously" unacceptable acts are now adequate therefore do non have to be forgiven. What a boon for satan!
Editor's note: Catholic Family unit News proudly presents its exclusive English language translation of Begetter Garrigou-Lagrange'south landmark work, "La nouvelle théologie où va-t-elle?", which was offset published in 1946 in Rome's Angelicum, i of the most prestigious theological journals in the world. Father Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. ane of the greatest Thomistic theologians of this century, warned that the "New Theology" of Maurice Blondel, Henri de Lubac, etc. is zero more than a revitalized Modernism. This same new theology was subsequently deounced past Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis. This article, because of its in-depth nature, is meant not only to be read, but studied. It is hoped that the publication of this work will aid dispel the widespread defoliation of our time, especially since, by admission of its ain adherents, this modernist "new theology" has become "the official theology of Vatican 2". (Run across Si Si No No series "They Call up They Have Won" on "The New Theology")
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